Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The finish line is in sight....

So much has been happening at the new house...they have all the sinks and toilets in. The vinyl is done...all the light fixtures are in. We have light switches finally and running water to the house. It is amazing how much progress they have made this week. We are now a week and half away from our orientation meeting aka the orange dot meeting. This is where we take the time to walk through the house and put a orange dot on anything that we don't like...things they need to fix. This gives them a week to take care of all of the orange dots before our closing the next Friday. We could potentially be moved out of here in three weeks and we have nothing packed. Brady is usually a packing Nazi but we have been so busy that we have had almost no time to pack. We will have to pack hardcore the next two weeks so we will be ready to move in as soon as the guys are done painting. We'll get there...it's just funny we wait until the last two weeks to pack when we have known for about 2 months now that we were building a house. I guess that serves us right that we will be packing like a couple of chickens with our heads cut off. Pray for us please that we can have a smooth transition from our house now to the new one...that we get everything done that we need to....and that we continue to remember who has given us all these blessings in the first place.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will just go ahead and save you the trouble of commenting on the fact that I put the same pic up two times and right beside each other....I am a seasoned blogger by now and I should know better HAHA