Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Close call...

We are blessed to have a pool in our new neighborhood...especially the last week when it has been so hot! We just put the babies in the wagon and off we go. We have been there almost everyday since we moved in. Since Maddux and Wrigley are not used to being around pools Brady and I are both cautious of them, especially when they are near the big pool. I was laying in a lawn chair and Brady had Wrigley about 10 feet from Maddux and then he just decided to jump in....we both ran over to him so fast and although he was only in the pool for maybe 15 seconds it still scared me to death. Anyway the point of this post was to show you the cute life vests that my grandparents bought them when they heard about Maddux falling into the pool. They are our new "special" swimsuits and they are not aloud near the pool if they don't have them on. They are just too cute...and I feel better knowing that if for some reason Maddux decides to swim on his own then he will at least float until we get to him. He is afraid of the pool now and won't hardly even go near it, and we learned a valuable lesson too...even if you are very diligent when it comes to watching your kids there are always ways they can slip right through the cracks. We are lucky and we won't take that for granted.

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