Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's party time...

This year we celebrated Maddux's second birthday at Mimi and Papaw's house because we were in the middle of our move and everything was packed. Thank's once again to Mimi and Papaw for opening up their house and yard to all of us so we could celebrate the birthday of our little man. We had some hamburgers and hotdogs along with beans and hashbrown cassorole and of course Brady's favorite pasta salad. Since Maddux is obsessed with tractors we did the tractor theme for his cake...he loved it! We also shared the party with all of the people who love little Maddux so much. I think that Trenner Max enjoyed Maddux's tee more than he did...Maddux had nothing to do with any of his presents except his new bubble mower. Overall it was a wonderful day with good food...great company...and really good cake! HAHA Thanks to all who came to help us celebrate!!!!

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