Sunday, August 9, 2009

A visit to the ER......

Saturday morning just as we were preparing for naps Wrigley fell off of our bed and hit her eye on the dresser. It didn't look to bad at first but when I finally conned her into letting me check it out she had a deep gash on her eyelid just below her eyebrow. Usually I freak out about these things but I remained calm and called our pediatrician who suggested that I take her to the ER so she could get it stitched up. Brady was at work so after planning with him and Lisa (Mimi) we figured out what to do with the little guy and I headed to the hospital. I know ER's can sometimes move slowly but Marion General moves at a snails pace. We were in the room for a little over an hour before we even saw a nurse or a doctor. Needless to say Wrigley was no worse for wear. She even got a good nap in while we were waiting. They decided to just glue it instead of holding her down for stitches which I was thankful for. It looked pretty bad still last night but it looked much better this morning. I also added this cute pic of my little man since he was smiling so stinking cute. Very rarely do you get good smile out of him so of course I wanted to share it. Well all for now and hopefully we can steer clear of the ER for a long time!

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