Saturday, October 10, 2009

To the Pumpkin Kingdom we go.....

Lately on the weekends I have been working at Roseburg and this leaves room for Brady to have some one on one time with Wrigley and Maddux. On the Saturday's I work he usually comes up with fun things for the him and the kids to do. Last weekend they went to a place called The Pumpkin Kingdom. There were of course the name implies....along with hay rides, a corn maze, a petting zoo and lots of fun and games for the little ones. Maddux was all over the petting zoo but not surprisingly Wrigley was not. Maddux even held a baby chick. Brady says was a little worriesome because he was afraid Maddux might squeeze it. I don't think a tiny little chick would fair well in Maddux's death squeeze. The pictures look like they had a lot of fun....and although I miss spending the evening with Brady and the just melts my heart to know that I am married to the most wonderful daddy in the world. He loves spending time with the kids and even looks forward to it. How sweet is that!!!!

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