Thursday, February 11, 2010

A new car for Brady...

A couple of weeks ago I sadly totaled our car. I was crossing over State Road 9 heading to class and I unfortunately hit a car going down the bypass. No one was hurt but the car was a different story. The front end was practically ripped off and the passenger side was in bad shape too. We had no choice but to get a new car so off we went car shopping. We debated over a couple of cars, one older with less miles and one newer with more miles. What to do? So after consulting Brady's dad and my grandpa we decided to go with the newer car which is a Ford Taurus. I absolutely love it and although it isn't what you would consider "sporty" it is big enough for all three kids and it is in a lot better shape than the old car. Now all I have to do is convince Brady to trade me the van for the car, but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. HAHA!

1 comment:

Brady said...

I think we said I'll have the 'Shrimp w/ Lobster Sauce'. No soup for your!