Thursday, June 25, 2009

Living the American Dream...?

The other night Brady and I were sitting on our porch at about 10:30 p.m. and for us being so close to the bypass it is sure peaceful and quiet. And as you look down our street everyone has the dusk to dawn coach lights on the front of their garages and it just looks so picturesque. We started to wonder is this "the American Dream?" I mean what is this dream really mean...well the definition of "the American Dream" is as follows....
A phrase connoting hope for prosperity and happiness, symbolized particularly by having a house of one's own. Possibly applied at first to the hopes of immigrants, the phrase now applies to all except the very rich and suggests a confident hope that one's children's economic and social condition will be better than one's own.
With that said I guess we just might be living it, but this seems a little outdated. Never will there be a day when Brady comes home from work to me in high heels and a dress with a turkey on the table and all the kids clean from head to toe and waiting patiently in their seats for dinner....and you will catch me once in a while outside doing yard work, you know planting flowers and pulling weeds...this is not just the man's job anymore. So yes we have a nice new wonderful house in which to raise our children...a nice neighborhood with great neighbor's(well some of them) I guess we are living a more modern version of the dream...the one thing I worry about is what will we leave our children? Hopefully my children and their children will live in a world that is better than the one in which we live...maybe living 50 years ago would have been more simple...a little less worrisome, but I think the high heels while sweeping, cleaning and cooking dinner is a little much!


Susie said...

too funny! congrats on "living the American Dream"!!!

Nana 2 said...

I am very happy that you feel you are blessed.The first relationship that was created and ordained by God is to help us understand in some small measure the greatness of His love is the marriage relationship. A well-balanced, loving marriage relationship is the nearing thing to "heaven on earth"