Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Farm week at pre-school....

From week to week at pre-school they introduce different themes for the kids to learn and last week was farm week. They had a combine and a tractor at the school for the kids to see and touch. They were able to get up into them and push all the buttons. Wrigley obviously had no trouble enjoying the tractor. Her teacher commented that her legs were to short to crawl up the ladder so with a boost from Mrs. Beth she was able to get up in there. She is just thriving at pre-school....she can tell you the first three letters of her name and she knows pretty much all her colors. She was already smart....but with pre-school she is learning things much quickly! I am amazed at how far she has come. Pre-school has been such a good thing for her and I enjoy the one on one time with Maddux too!

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