Friday, November 13, 2009

Failure is not an option....

Today as I go and sign up for my spring classes I can't help but to reflect on how far I have come in my quest for becoming a nurse. This semester in particular has been very challenging for me....not only mentally but emotionally. I have struggled hard to become someone who believes not only in the power of my mind but the power of my attitude on my ability to do well. I have had many a days where I have questioned my decision to do what I am doing....but every time I question my dreams I am quickly answered by God with a huge shove in the right direction. I feel more now that this is the plan God has for me....he wants me to change my life in order for me to change the lives of others. I love this quote is a great reminder of what hard work can do:

“Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.”

Thanks to all of you who have helped me get this far...your encouragement, your love, your understanding, and your ability to flex your lives around my dream of becoming a nurse are appreciated more than I could ever put into words. I am not on this journey alone....I have God and my family right behind me rejoicing when I succeed and picking up the pieces when I don't. This hard season of my life is not only for myself but for all of you as well!

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