Saturday, August 15, 2009

I had to share with you something that I thought was very funny but also very perceptive on Wrigley's part. Today I was gathering up all the laundry and Wrigley in passing asked me if I was going to go "facebooking." I said what do you mean and she said, "when you are done with the laundry are you going to go facebooking on your computer mommy?" I thought that was so funny, yet that we have WIFI I can use my computer any where in the house so sometimes I take it out on the front porch while they are playing outside or I will be on the couch on the computer while they are playing. I am obviously on it enough for her to notice....even though a fraction of my day is spent on the computer. I just think that for her to even know that I "facebook" is so funny in itself....she is so stinking smart!

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