Thursday, April 10, 2014


My house is my sanctuary. A place I can run around in my pajamas with my hair all crazy. A place I prepare food for my family. A place I cuddle up with my kids and watch movies. A place Brady and I designed and built. I take immense pride in my home and my decorations reflect that very clearly.

This last sign is my favorite. "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still. Exodus 14:14 Those words resonate with me on so many levels. While reading the rest of Exodus 14 you realize that the Israelites are scared and questioning Moses who is marching them into the desert. Although the Israelites wanted to be free of Egyptian rule they were scared of the unknown. They felt they were leaving Egypt only to head out to the desert to die. They told Moses to leave them alone fully ready to serve the Egyptians instead of dying in the desert. Moses comes back with "Be strong" and "don't fear."
Deserts come in many forms. Although I've never marched through an actual desert I have spent years in one of my own making. In the desert it's hard to hear God.....hard to think of anything other then self preservation. I fought, got angry and grew bitter. My time in the desert was all my own and no two people will walk through the same desert. This past January I decided enough was enough and took a very drastic step (with the love and support of my family) and decided to find a way back to normal. I was tired of walking alone through life. I need GOD, I need Him so much! When I was to my lowest point and quit fighting, then and only then was I able to feel God and instead of trying to fight I just let God lead. This might seem cliche but when I was still God fought for me. He picked me up and carried me far from that desert I'd been in for way to long. He comforted me when I was alone and He changed me from the inside out. My heart is no longer the same, my pain is there but not a driving force behind my actions. I act out of love and am still many times through the day just so I can hear God and then I give it to Him and He fights on my behalf. I don't have to fight alone anymore.....never again!

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